Upcoming events.

Lost Among Clouds

Lost Among Clouds

In eternal vessels of clay, we wander and wonder, at once in

and of the landscape. We are earth and stars, the space between unseen realms. We are the clouds

and mountains, the rivers and forests, presence and prayer.

We are the dreams within the clay.

FUNHOUSE movement theater returns to Yume Japanese Gardens for a butoh exploration of eternal body as

landscape. FEATURING: Christopher Carlone, Heide Foley, Griff Goering, Karenne Koo, Lin Lucas, Sherry Mulholland, and Keita Tsutsumi. Music by Paul Amiel

Visit FUNHOUSE movement theater on Facebook or Instagram

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Beautifully Bold: We Make Art Collective Exhibit

Beautifully Bold: We Make Art Collective Exhibit

The 4th Avenue Street Coalition presents a stunning and dynamic group exhibition of visual works by Tucson’s emergent Pan-African Arts Community.

Featured Artists: Samia Abbas, Jacqueline Chanda, Daniel Collins, Diane Collins, Randiesia Fletcher, James-Amutabi Haines, Herman Harris, Jameela Hill, James Johnson, Lin Lucas, Maria Pape, Bryan-Mikhail Riggs, Imani-Love Riggs, Myles-Amari Riggs, Monica Silva, Gerrie Young, Nikki Young

Artists Talks: 2PM, 4PM, 6PM

Sip & See Reception: 5pm

Curated by Living 2 Portraits Studio

Event Location: 4th Avenue Street Coalition, 311 E. 7th St. Tucson, AZ - Feb 7th, 12pm - 7pm

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The Dreams In Clay

In eternal vessels of clay, we wander and wonder, at once in and of the landscape. We are earth and stars and the eternal space between unseen realms. We are the clouds and mountains, the rivers and forests, presence and prayer. We are the dreams within the clay.

Funhouse movement theater returns to Yume Gardens to take you on a butoh exploration of eternal body as landscape. Inspired by the writings of Shundo Aoyama and John O’donohue, Dreams in Clay combines the Zen aesthetics of the Japanese garden with the sculptural works of artist Keita Tsutsumi. Visitors to this unique performance will encounter dancers engaged in communion with the sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural environment.

A contemporary, avant-garde performance art, butoh is a seamless blend of dance, theater, improvisation, and traditional Japanese performing arts. Butoh compels both performers and audience to investigate the primal, universal energies that connect us, and invites us to share an embodied experience of the collective unconscious.

Dreams in Clay is directed by Lin Lucas and Keita Tsutsumi and features Sabrina Geoffrion, Karenne Koo, Lin Lucas, Sherry Mulholland, and Keita Tsutsumi, with renowned butoh artist, Julie Becton Gillum.

Two Performances:

6:00 PM -7:00 PM & 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM

Advance Ticket Reservations Required

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to Feb 25

Manga for Beginners

While Japanese manga share much in common with Western comics and graphic novels, it is a unique and ancient art form dating back to the 13th century!

In our short intro workshop, we will learn about the evolution of manga and explore the fundamentals of character design, story development, page layout, penciling, editing, and inking techniques through fun, challenging exercises designed to inspire creativity and ignite a desire to write and draw stories in modern and classic Japanese styles.

This workshop is a series of 5 classes, held on Sundays, in which fundamental skills and techniques are practiced and applied to projects created by the participants.

Every Sunday

From January 28 through February 25, 2024 from 10am to 12pm

Advance registration required.

General public: $250

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Becoming Justice Workshop: Day 2

Becoming Justice Workshop: Day 2

Becoming Justice: Rewriting the Racial Stories in Our Bodies & Communities

Using a variety of creative mediums, participants will cognitively and somatically explore concepts race, white supremacy, fragility, allyship, and the role of art as personal and social tool for transformation. In community, we will share, collaborate, make, and reflect on creative praxis as it relates to expanding individual and organizational practices that heal historical and systemic wounds. Seattle, WA; Jan 12-14, 2024

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Becoming Justice Workshop Day 1

Becoming Justice Workshop Day 1

Becoming Justice: Rewriting the Racial Stories in Our Bodies & Communities

Using a variety of creative mediums, participants will cognitively and somatically explore the intersection of Art, Education, Race, and Equity. In community, we will share, collaborate, make, and reflect on creative praxis as it relates to expanding individual and organizational practices that heal historical and systemic wounds. Seattle, WA; Jan 12-14, 2024

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